Sparkling Water Impacts Carbonated Drinks Market.
Healthy Drinks Become Global Trend

Sparkling Water Impacts Carbonated Drinks Market. Healthy Drinks Become Global Trend.

In China, there is an increasing demand for healthy drinks and foods. Recently, CBNData releases the “Series of Studies of Online Drink-Related Consumption 2017” (hereinafter referred to as “Research”). Research shows that sales of tea beverages, milk beverages and mineral water (purified water) have been growing rapidly. Among them, tea drinks and milk beverages meet the people’s health needs. However, mineral water (pure water) has seen a significant growth rate as it enters the high-end market. Of course, it is also the first choice of those seeking low-calorie products. The proportion of mineral water sales in beverage products occupy the first place. From the sales volume and sales growth point of view, health is the most important factor Chinese consider when choosing a beverage.

More than just the Chinese market to expand the demand for healthy drinks, many developed countries have the same needs. Data show that in developed markets such as the United States market, high-end fruit drinks are popular; and Japan and South Korea, tea drinks gradually dominated. This shows that healthy drinks have become a global trend. Below form from Google trends also indicate that the demand for “Sparkling Water” and higher than “Carbonated Drinks” while going up at the same time, in the past 5 years.

Google trends also indicate that the demand for Sparkling Water and higher than Carbonated Drinks while going up at the same time, in the past 5 years.

Upgrade of Carbonated Beverages

With the development of the beverage industry, the market demand for the beverage industry has diversified from diversification to diversification based on health. This means that healthy drinks are not single drinks, not only fruit and vegetable drinks, and tea drinks are healthy drinks. Based on this concept, carbonated beverages try to change their own non-health orientation through scientific and technological means and improvement of production equipment.

For carbonated drinks, its non-health philosophy lies in its bubble composition, high sugar content and phosphoric acid. Therefore, carbonated drinks companies are committed to these three improvements.

  • One is to reduce the sugar content, reduce calories. Two major carbonated beverage giant launched many new low-sugar, sugar-free carbonated drinks. PepsiCo once switched to sucralose and developed an aspartame-free version. Recently launched a new black canto push its sugar-free formula. Coca-Cola launched a liposuction Coke after the zero-degree version, claiming to drink but also keep  From the market reaction, this approach is not trivial, at least not enough to reverse the consumer equation: “carbonated drinks = non-healthy drinks”.
  • Second is to change the bubble composition. GlobalIonics company already found another way and developed a beverage device to stimulate the bubble taste through micro-current. This way replaces the carbon dioxide bubble mouthfeel, and reduce the harm of carbon dioxide on gastrointestinal digestion. This equipment has not disclosed its business plan yet;
  • The third is to improve the additives. Phosphate ingredients are used as additives in carbonated beverages, and the effect of phosphoric acid on bone health is well known. However, it is difficult to change the additives at present because of the limitations of the carbonated beverage itself.

Coca Cola Healthy Drinks

Sparkling Water

Before carbonated drinks figure out its upgrading way, the concept of sparkling water already appears in the market. Drinking water will have a carbonated taste from pressing and inflating by a bubble water machine, which receives warm welcome in developed countries in Europe and the United States. In the market, there has been natural sparkling water. Natural sparkling water is mineral-rich mineral water, which is a bit different than carbonated drinks in taste.

You know, although the unhealthy factor of carbonated beverage is a pain in the ass, still most people cannot resist the temptation of its wonderful taste the minute when they’re taken out from the ice cold drinks fridge. Healthy drinks are in the first selling position in Europe, USA, Japan, and Korea, while carbonated beverage always comes next. This shows that if there is a beverage can replace the carbonated drinks market, its profit volume is extremely impressive. In the beverage market, there are similar flavors of drinks with soda and artificial sparkling water. Sodium bicarbonate in soda does not meet people’s health needs. Artificial sparkling water is integrated with food-grade carbon dioxide, which is closer to people’s health needs.

There is bubble water machine on the market for the production process of artificial sparkling water, but it’s only for home use. Natural mineral water as natural sparkling water, its price is often located in the high-end products. Those sparkling water with bubbles added by the use of machines will have a broad market prospect. Although the bubbling water is the same as the carbonated drink, the food machinery equipment in China still needs to intensify its research and development of equipment to explore the loss of blessing of other substances, and how to make the bubble water taste more in line with people’s taste.